Each website owner wants his/her website in first page of Search Engine search results. No doubt! 

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is becoming competitive day by day.  

Key Challenges to Rank Website in Search Engines

And as a result, Search Engines (SE) like Google, Bing, Yandex etc. change their algorithm and add new AI (Artificial Intelligence) features to provide the accurate information and results to visitors. 

In old way ranking website is not only difficult, but also IMPOSSIBLE now. If you understand what SE  aspect from a website, then it becomes VERY EASY! 

I am not kidding! I will talk about those key challenges to rank website in Search Engines are TRUE & EFFECTIVE in present and future. 

1. Focus & Invest in Content

No doubt, content is always a King, a supreme Leader. So make it stronger, helpful. Remember, people needs only an honest, brave, powerful leader. They don't need a Joker or a fake leader. 

Focus & Invest in Content

Write for people what they need, what they are looking for in Search Engines. If you are making content that already exist in many websites, you must focus on the quality of your contents. If your content is more accurate, updated and powerful definitely Google promotes it over other. 

Don't make your content over-length unnecessarily. Time is very important now. Visitors needs the accurate information in a short time. If your topic is about discussion, explanation then you can enlarge your content's length according to visitors patient. 

Understanding the intention of your targeted visitors is the most important that will help you to make the effective content.

Remember, contents must be copyrighted under you. You are not allowed to publish those contents are copyrighted to other. 

Use images, videos, podcasting where it needs. Using multimedia in your articles will make it more attractive and attentive. 

Content decoration & impression is very important, you shouldn't miss it.

2. User Interface & Overlook

User interfaces and overlook of your website is very important. You must care your visitors so that they can easily navigate to any content or pages of website or blog. 

Search Engine like Google always recommends to focus on it. Reader loves well decorated and organized library. It is also helpful to algorithm and bots of Search Engine to find and to understand any website and it's pages. 

User Interface & Overlook

So you should focus on Responsive Web Designs, Colors, Fonts, Layouts, Backgrounds, Navigation Menus, Search Bar etc. It is better to discuss about it with your Developer Team or you can purchase premium Blogger or WordPress Theme. 

3. Page Speed & Technical SEO

Yes, Time is money! Amazon did test that they would loss $1.6 Billions each year for 1 second delay page loading.

It is about just profit for the e-Commerce website. Delay page loading has impacts on SEO. 

If any visitor try to load the page of your website and it takes much time to load completed, definitely this visitor won't feel comfortable. So he/she will close the browser tab and will try to find another related page from another website. 

This is called Bouncing. Website with more bouncing rate losses more traffic and ranking. 

Page Speed & Technical SEO

Focusing on Page Speed is now highly demanded from both sides: Visitors & Search Engines.

I have mentioned another term: Technical SEO. 

It is optimization from technical side what is done by Developer team. If you aren't concerned about it, your team may skip it. But it is another key factor to rank your website. 

SSL setup, SEO Friendly HTML Markup, Schema Markup, JavaScript Optimization, Image Optimization, Content Delivery, Database Optimization etc. are parts of technical SEO.

This optimization help to SE to understand the contents of your website completely. 

4. Data Usages & Protections - Make it clear to your visitors

If your website uses the data of visitors like Email, Name, Phone Number, Cache & Cookies of browser, IP etc. you should make it clear how your website uses and manages. 

Without permission of someone using data is against of government law. 

So what do you have to?

Create several static pages: About, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer etc. 

General Data Protections & Regulation

Use also GDPR (General Data Protections & Regulation) Notice in your website. 

By default Blogger platform offers it.

Now the question - How is Data Usages & Protections related to Search Engines?

It is very simple! Google and other search engines are very concerned with GDPR & Copyright. According to it they enlist and rank website. 

So don't miss this chance. It doesn't only built trust and reliability with your visitors, but also is helpful for SEO. 

5. Social Media Marketing

Social Media is the best place for promoting your website and getting traffics. According to Hootsuit research, still social media impacts on SEO

So don't miss being social! 

Create complete social profiles and update regularly. Your website will get a large number of community members. 

They will visit your website regularly. Hitting by repeated visitors promotes your website to Search Engine positively. 

To rank a new website, it is very important to get social signals. 

And if your website sells products, then social media marketing is the highest choice. 

6. Publish & Update Content, Website Regularly 

Definitely, your favorite app is updated regularly by the app developers. Fixing bugs, updating features etc. is done by this update. 

Like this, your website also needs to be updated & maintained regularly. Bugs and errors should be fixed as soon as possible. A professional website can't be a bucket of bugs. 

It will effect your visitors. You will lose a lot of visitors. 

Another important is publishing and updating contents. Google loves active website with updated contents. 

Above 6 challenges are always applicable and key challenges forever. Implement these to your website and check the progress.