According to a recent report by WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is developing a new feature that will allow iPhone users to send short video messages up to 60 seconds long, similar to how it works on Telegram.

WhatsApp to be Adding Short Video Messages for iPhone Users

This feature is currently not available, even for those on the beta version of the app. However, it appears that users will be able to send video messages by tapping and holding the camera button, much like they send audio messages.

It is worth noting that the video messages will be end-to-end encrypted, which means they cannot be forwarded or saved, although users may be able to take screenshots.


📝 WhatsApp beta for iOS what's new?

WhatsApp is working on the ability to send video messages, for a future update of the app! Tweet

The rollout date for this feature is currently unknown, and it may take some time before it becomes available to everyone.

WhatsApp has recently released a new Windows app that allows users to host group video calls with up to eight people and audio calls with up to 32 participants.

Earlier this month, the company also introduced several new features, such as the ability to approve group participants and call links for Windows, among other things.